"The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value"  - Anonymous

The Nyack School District's Public Relations and Information Office has a comprehensive Communications Plan to keep our community informed, engaged and invested. Priority is placed on strengthening community relationships, celebrating daily accomplishments of our students and supporting the district's vision.

Together, we are Building Bridges for today's students to cross into tomorrow's world with Equity, Innovation and Optimism.   

Promoting Our 7 Core Competencies

  • Like, Follow and Share us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram as we tell our stories with equity, innovation and optimism!

    Like, Follow, Share us at:

    Facebook: @nyackschools

    Twitter: @nyack_schools

    Instagram: @nyackschools

View More Posts

Communications: Connect. Integrate. Tell Our Story. Engage.

On Strategic Communications, PR Initiatives, Timeline & Trajectory of District Narrative:

2022 Publication Strategic Plan for Excellence Through Racial Equity

2022 District Communications In.CITE - 3-1-22 Presentation to BOE

Overview of the Nyack Schools Community Presentation to Staff

2021 Vision for District Communications Prezi 1-19-21

2020 Vision for District Communications Prezi 1-28-20

...Envisioning an informed and engaged community built on integrity; supported by a network of relationships; engaged with transparency; and committed to anti-racist principles that reflect the District's vision and drive systemic change for the benefit of all children in our beloved community.

"I want to build a bridge for children... a bridge between what we are doing inside the class and the lives they lead outside the class"   - Cornelius Minor

We Are In the News

Let's Talk!

Let's Talk! encourages authentic school community conversation.  Register your questions, concerns or compliments.  All submissions are quickly assessed and answered directly by administrators to provide optimum communication solutions. A quick customer satisfaction survey is released at the close of each dialogue. 

Our goal is to build trust with our partners in education: YOU.  Visit Let's Talk! now.


Peachjar, our electronic flyer system, posts and sends flyers directly to parent/guardian emails.  Access E-flyers easily.  View them online at each school site's Peachjar archive.

Guidelines for Peachjar.

Click here  to view District Fundraising Guidelines in our Schools  


2020 Vision for District Communications